Monday, November 29, 2010

Snow Day

Dublin got its first snow this weekend so I decided to have a bit of fun in the white stuff with my camera in tow...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Research Methods Blog URL

I just realised not everyone has my research methods blog URL in their blog roll...

So, here it is:


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Linguistic challenges

Having been born and raised speaking English, I tend to sometimes forget just how hard the English language can be. I'll admit I take it for granted the fact that I know when and in which context to use simple words like at, which, in, of, with, etc...

Two of my roommates are not native English speakers; one is from Hong Kong, the other, France. We sometimes get into conversations where they grill me on proper grammar and syntax, asking how to word this sentence or which word to use in conjunction with this phrase. It can be overwhelming.

Last night we had one of these such sessions and I began to realise just how limited my knowledge of the English language is. Yes, I speak it fluently. Yes, I did an undergraduate degree in journalism and therefore like to think I have a little bit better knowledge of the language than the average Joe but still, it's not enough.

And just when I'm getting stressed out about my limited knowledge of the ONLY language I know and speak fluently I come across this interesting video narrated by Stephen Fry.

The man is a true genius and he makes an interesting point: language is not about the correct usage of words and the strict guidelines that surround things like the construction of sentences. It's about context and the ability to get your message across, using words, in the most efficient manner.
Language, like any other art form (yes, I consider language an art) is up for interpretation. It's ever changing, not stagnant, which makes it all the more difficult to master.

It truly is a beautiful thing...