Whenever it comes close to Halloween, I know it's that time of year to actively start screening any web content that's sent my way. On one too many an occasion a friend or family member, thinking they're being utterly amusing, will send me a link to a website where they guarantee you'll see something amazing. As long as you turn the volume up on your computer, you'll get the full experience.
So, you click on the link and you watch the screen with what looks like closed-circuit video footage of an empty room for a good 10 seconds. And then, just as you're about to turn away, a horrible face will pop up on the screen and screech at you like an banshee. It's enough to give a healthy person a heart attack.
And so, I no longer open sketchy emails with vague promises of "instant gratification" as long as I follow the instructions.
So, naturally, when my cousin sent me this link, I immediately discounted it and absolutely refused to open it. I told her as much as well. But my cousin is a stubborn woman, bless her.
She proceeded into coaxing me to opening the link, telling me she hated those kinds of emails too and that she would never, ever send something like that to anyone.
Well, needless to say, I'm not quite as stubborn as she is, and perhaps not as cynical as I thought I was, so I opened the link.
I'll let you see it for yourself, so I'll refrain from giving you a breakdown of what will show up on your screen. All I will say is this: It's frightening, yes, but not in the something-popping-out-at-you-and-causing-you-to-pee-yourself-a-little way. You don't have to turn your speakers to full blast to appreciate what you'll see (and I really do hope you will appreciate it!)
And, as a disclaimer, I'll say if you're deathly afraid of heights don't say I didn't warn you!
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